Domestic – Air cleaners have really made a difference
“Want to tell you that air cleaners really made a difference. Buying BioZone are among the best things we ever did.”
Greetings, Hans Gillsbro
Centro de Serviço Social – Lucinda Anino dos Santos, Lagos, Portugal
”Kära vänner,
Dear friends,
It is with great satisfaction that I now contact you.
I would like to thank you once again for your availability and willingness to help our institution, but also to share the importance of how the equipment donated by you has improved the air quality in our rooms, thus giving a greater well-being to our children. Determines a significant improvement, with a huge reduction in the uneven smell caused by the humidity of our buildings in the rainy days. In other words, those BioZone AirPurifiers gives results in full.
Again, I send a big thank you for your generosity, and we will be continue receptivity to your donations and your solidarity.”
João Bravo
Centro de Serviço Social, Lagos, Portugal
Lindström OY
Lindström is a global B to B partner that improves its customers image with textiles and cleanliness services. It is the market leader in Finland and one of the leading European textile rental companies. Lindström operates in fourteen European countries and employs 1 700 persons. It provides work wear, protective equipment, carpet, hygiene, restaurant, and textile services. Lindström provides services to restaurants, gas stations, hotels, offices and factories.
“Majority of our customers has had an odor and bacteria related problems. In the past, we have tried to solve these problems with perfumes and chemical solutions. However, we noticed that this only covered the actual problems. Thanks to our collaboration with BioZone, we have now eliminated our customers’ odor problems with the BioZone equipment and received a lot of positive feedback from our customers. We do not cover customers’ problems anymore – we solve them.“
Lindström have gained an added value increased user satisfaction, better air quality, low maintenance cost, fast and easy maintenance Added value for Lindström’s customers are increased user satisfaction, better air quality, decreased employee absenteeism due to illnesses (cleaner toilets reduce infections)and more satisfied customers create a potential for sales increase
Lindström Oy
Juha Koikkalainen, Product Manager
MITIE Cleaning & Support Services Limited
MITIE Cleaning and Support Services are one of the largest national contracts cleaning company operating in all sectors of the daily cleaning market place. They have many household named companies listed as their clients and many high profile companies and buildings in the City of London.
“As the contract manager for one of the largest banking companies based in Docklands I was first introduced to the BioZone Aircare system when we had a severe problem with odors in the client’s toilet facilities. We had tried many chemical products to alleviate the problem but none were effective long term. My staffs were washing the floor every half hour to keep the odors to a minimum. The basic problem was urine seeping though grouting in the floor tiles into a wooden base floor which then permeated throughout the room. My client agreed to allow an Aircare unit to be put into one of the toilet areas and left over the weekend. We were amazed to walk into the area on the Monday morning and not smell anything other than fresh air. This convinced my client that, apart from removing the odor problem, these machines really do kill the bacteria that produce the odor at source. I have been really pleased with the results. As well as having healthy washrooms again these machines have helped us in maintaining the contract with our client.”
MITIE Cleaning & Support Services Limited, London
James Abbott, Contract Manager
Heathrow Airport -Terminal 3 – Bad smell
“Despite a rigorous constant cleaning regime and various fragrance units in each facility we were unable to resolve the odor problems experienced, due to the very high volume of people utilizing our washrooms (up to 35,000 per day). After a visit from the BioZone representative my client agreed to have their Aircare units installed on a 30-day trial basis and in conjunction with my clients we selected ten washrooms in Terminal 3. After the Aircare units had been running for a suitable period we arranged an inspection of the washroom facilities, in every case the units have worked effectively, removing the persistent odor problem and creating pleasant washroom air. When a washroom facility with the Aircare units is compared to another washroom facility in Terminal 3 the difference is obvious and highlights how effective these units have been. I am pleased with the results and convinced the Aircare units provide a healthier environment for the cleaning staff and public alike.”
ISS Facility Services, Heathrow Airport
Rob Woodford, Operations Support Manager
Tennant Association “Promenaden” in Falun – Cigarette smoke
”Our Biozone keeps the smell away in the stairwell. We had a problem with a smoking tenant. Smoke was smelled in stairwell.
BioZone works very well!”
Promenaden, Falun, Sweden
Jan Berg, Chairman
Swedavia – Bad smell on toilets
”BioZone effectively removed the smell of urine in the toilets. Despite frequent cleaning, we did not solve this problem earlier.”
Swedavia, Sweden
Lars-Åke Pettersson
SSP – Bad smell in restroom´s
” We solved the problem of bad odor in the garbage room at the Central Station in Stockholm with BioZone’s units. In addition, we could disconnect the cooling system that costed lots of energy. BioZone only costs approximately: 20W”
SSP, Stockholm, Sweden
Björn Lindström
TetraPak, Lund – Black mold in cold storage
”The problem with black mold was still completely gone after about 13 months, due to the installation of the AC-D 30´s in our cold storage´s”.
Lars Wahlberg, Tetra Pak, Lund, Sweden
UFS AB, Uppsala – Fire smoke
”We often use BioZone’s products to remedy fire smoke damage with very good results. BioZone also works very well against cigarette smoke and mold after moisture damage.”
UFS AB Uppsala, Sweden
Dick Grip
Uddevalla Energi, New waste incineration plant – Odor from garbage inlet
”In our waste incineration plant odor leaks out in the entrance and in some corridors. We have had difficulty finding the root cause and solving the problem. We contacted BioZone which, after a review, installed 2 pcs AC-D30 in the entrance. This solved the problem of bad odor directly and we are very pleased!”
Uddevalla Kraft AB, Sweden
Robert Sandin, Real Estate Engineer
Al-maarif School in Malmö
”Hi and thanks for clean and fresh air!”
Al-maarif School in Malmö, Sweden
Susanna Baross
Central Hospital in Västerås – Problem with smell from sewers
Purchased an AC-D 30 of Oct. 2010. We are very satisfied and use it as a cleaner when smells arise here and there.
We first bought the unit because we had problems with the smell of a sewer in an adjoining room. The unit took away the smell in a week.
The Central Hospital in Västerås, Sweden
Hans Bäckström
Härnogårdens Retirement home – Unpleasant smell
” We had an unpleasant smell at the Dementia Department, here at Härnögården. There was very dry air and the eyes itched on staff and patients because of poor ventilation.
After a week with BioZone we noticed the difference. We do not need to ventilate as often. An asthma patient has become better. The staff feel better.
Other departments have borrowed our BioZone air cleaners to test and now want their own devices.”
Härnögården, Sweden
Ahmed, Department 3
Partners Group
”Hello! Your products work great! We have purchased 2 units earlier. Now we want one more.”
Partner group Norra Vram, Sweden
Jonas Wictor, Property Manager
Karlstad Municipality
” We are very pleased with BioZone’s products. Works well to help improve room air and get rid of disturbing odors.”
Ulf Mårtensson